Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Danger: Beware of Falling Cows

Charles and Linda Everson were driving back to their hotel when their minivan was struck by a falling object—a 600-pound cow.

The Eversons were unhurt but the cow, which had fallen off a cliff, had to be euthanized. The year-old cow fell about 200 feet from the cliff and landed on the hood of the couple's minivan, causing heavy damage

A Chelan County fire chief, Arnold Baker, said the couple missed being killed by a matter of inches in the accident Sunday on a highway near Manson.


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1 Comment:

TexasFred said...

I think I'm going to use that on my next poll, great question, and lets see where MY readers fall in on this...

I like your blog, I'm glad to include you on the rolls...