Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another reason why I think most people are politically retarded. - Christina Blizzard - A one-issue campaign
Should I give the "You must have golden horseshoes somewhere" award for brilliant strategy to the Liberal spinmeisters for turning this election campaign into a one-issue wonder, thereby cleverly deflecting discussion from their own record?
it's been a single-issue campaign to date that has blanked out any meaningful discussion of other policies -- and it's giving the Liberals a free ride to re-election.
McGuinty, for example, has repeatedly decried Tory's policy -- he did it again yesterday, raising the issue himself, unprompted by the media. He keeps insisting Tory's plan will destroy our social fabric, cause division and the "sequestration and segregation" of children by religion.

Except who's being divisive? The Liberals, of course. Five other provinces have funded faith-based schools without civilization ending. At some point, Ontario will have to address the discriminatory way it funds the schools of only one faith. Ironically, McGuinty is the product of Catholic schools, his kids went to Catholic schools and his wife teaches in one. So apparently, publicly-funded Catholic schools don't hurt the social fabric but Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and Anglican ones would.

Why, when McGuinty went to St. Augustine's Catholic school in Markham to discuss faith-based schools (like THAT isn't hypocritical), did he happen to mention how his government had nixed a plan for sharia law?

How's that related to this issue? It's hard to avoid the view that the subtle fear the Liberals want to implant with voters is that Muslim schools, in particular, are teaching things we don't want taught.
You have to hand it to the Liberals. No one's talking about Slushgate and a million-dollar grant to a cricket club that only asked for $150,000. No one's talking about the health tax and broken promises.
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