Monday, October 8, 2007

How Ahmadinejad's Columbia speech was reported in Iran

tehran times : President’s address revealed U.S., Israeli lies: Jannati
Provisional Friday Prayer Leader of Tehran Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said on Friday that President Ahmadinejad revealed U.S. and Israeli lies during his visit to New York.

Addressing thousands of worshipers at Tehran University campus, Jannati further focused on President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's attendance at United Nations General Assembly, saying that Ahmadinejad scored another victory during his stay in New York.

This week's Friday preacher of Tehran went on to add in his second sermon, ""Ahmadinejad was a star that shone at that assembly.""

Referring to President Ahmadinejad's presence at Columbia University, he said, ""They invited the president, who is the representative of 70 million Iranians, and then begin with a series of swears at him before his address there.""

The Secretary of the Constitutional Guardians Council said ""When the academics of a country act this way, what a behavior should we expect their military forces and politicians to have?""

Ayatollah Jannati lauded Ahmadinejad who did not lose his temper, did not take revenge by acting similarly, and gave his address modestly, so that the university students attending the meeting kept on applauding him on numerous occasions till the end of the session, which meant pulling the Columbia University Chancellor's leg.""

He added, ""In accordance with the result of an opinion poll conducted after that meeting, 77% of the students believe President Ahmadinejad was right, and this a document revealing the U.S. and Israeli media and politicians' lies.""

The interim Friday prayer leader of Tehran said, ""Dr. Ahmadinejad presented some very valuable information during that session, including his comments that the Columbia University Chancellor's insults were in fact against the students who were present there, because they were wise enough to judge for themselves about the truth, needless of his prejudiced judgment in advance.""

Referring to the President's address to the UN General Assembly, the Secretary of Guardian Council said, ""Dr. Ahmadinejad impeached the United States.""

Jannati added, ""Dr. Ahmadinejad's address at the UN General Assembly was a religious politician’s lecture. He spoke like an Islamic preacher, covering both the political and the religious aspects of significant affairs comprehensively.""

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