Sunday, October 14, 2007

Listen to those who defend us. Please.

CFP: Listen To The Voices Of Those Who Defend Us by Felicia Benamon , 10/01/07
Do we have the fortitude to stand behind our troops? And the fortitude to stand strong for them? The problem lies with our politicians in Washington who use the war in Iraq as a political football instead of realizing lives are at stake. The public then loses hope that the Iraq war is a winnable situation.

We should be listening to the voices of those who see war firsthand and do their jobs with such determination, gusto, and selflessness. We can all learn from them.

One brave and committed U.S. soldier writes to me:

“I just wanted all my friends to know that true Iraqi’s want the same things we do in the US. I’ll give you another little insider story. There was an Iraqi soldier who was killed in action about 6 months ago. He was Sunni. The local mosque on the installation I serve at is Shia. The immam (like a priest or pastor at a Christian church) held a memorial service for this Sunni soldier even though the immam was Shia. He stressed that this soldier died for all of Iraq and he wanted to honor that sacrifice. What a story! There are signs that the Sunnis and Shias want to live in peace together, even though they disagree. I’m reminded of the struggle between the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Irleland and how after centuries of hatred, they are finding ways to peacefully coexist. The Sunnis and Shias need to do that too. With our help, if we are allowed to stay by the democrats, they will find a way. There is hope in the land. Please keep giving that word out.”

--Name Withheld

This soldier sent another message:

“As many of you know, I am in Iraq for a year as an advisor to the Iraqi Army basic training program. Many of you also know that I am very friendly by nature and have made many good friends among the Iraqi soldiers, NCO’s and officers I’ve met. Some of my friends are Iraqi gate guards watching over our compound 24/7.

This morning as I was leaving the compound with my interpreter, I stopped to talk to a group of off duty guards just hanging out. We know each other well and spoke for a few minutes. This is the month of Ramadan, one of the holiest of months in the muslim religion. They fast during the day and eat dinner after sundown. These friends invited me to share dinner with them tonight which they prepared especially for me. I just returned from dinner with them. I had my interpreter with me most of the time and we had a great time together. We spoke of our families and children and showed off pictures with pride. I was honored to be invited to share a meal with them and hope that because of me and others like me, they will see the US in a good light and share their thoughts and feelings with their friends and relatives.
These people are much like us in the US. All they want is to live in peace with their families and be able to support them and care for them. I hope that our presence here will enable them to do that. I’m seeing positive signs that the leadership of General Petraius is starting to pay big dividends as the insurgents are on the run and disorganized in many places that have recently been hotbeds of violence.
I will always remember this mission and these good people. May God grant them peace in the coming days.”

--Name Withheld
This speaks volumes to the camaraderie between the Iraqi troops and U.S. troops. It speaks volumes as to how our troops view General honorable and trustworthy. So when leftist groups attack Gen. Patraeus, they are attacking our troops on the ground as Patraeus is their “brother in arms.”

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