WorldNetDaily: Hillary takes cash from terror suspects
Presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., has taken thousands of dollars in cash donations from Islamists under federal investigation for terror-financing, money laundering and tax fraud, WND has learned. The Democrat senator over the past seven months has received $1,000 from M. Yaqub Mirza and another $500 from M. Omar Ashraf, federal campaign records show. Federal agents raided the Virginia homes and offices of the Muslim donors after 9/11 for ties to terrorism. Others tied to the still-active probe also have contributed money to Clinton, including one Muslim man who after 9/11 complained the U.S. government should focus on changing its Mideast policies instead of killing Osama bin Laden and other Islamic terrorists.
Mirza in March contributed $1,000 to Clinton, listing his occupation as an officer of the SAAR Foundation. The Saudi-backed entity is listed on the federal affidavit for a search warrant in the original counterterror raid.
Ashraf in August gave $500 to Clinton's campaign, listing his occupation as vice president of Sterling Management Group, another entity listed on the affidavit. His Herndon home also was raided. In addition, Federal Election Commission records reveal a June payment of $500 to Clinton from Omar Barzinji, who works for a telecommunications firm as well as Amana Limited, a Herndon-based publisher of pro-jihad materials. Its offices, too, were raided after 9/11. In September 2001, as rescuers were still pulling bodies from the wreckage at Ground Zero, Barzinji chided President Bush for failing to spend more time addressing why the attacks occurred and figuring out what had angered the Muslim hijackers.
Two of Jamal Barzinji's closest business associates – Abdurahman Alamoudi and Soliman Biheiri – are known leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood in America. Both men have been convicted of terror-related charges since 9/11. The Treasury now says Alamoudi was one of al-Qaida's top fundraisers in America. Abdurahman Alamoudi, center, with Vice President Al Gore and President Bill Clinton During her 2000 Senate campaign, Clinton took $1,000 from Alamoudi when he was head of the American Muslim Council. She was forced to return the money when news got out that he voiced support for Palestinian terrorists. (She listed his group as the "American Museum Council" in her donor report to the FEC, an attempt critics say to disguise Alamoudi as a curator rather than a terrorist supporter. As first lady, Hillary had hosted Alamoudi at the White House.)
Earlier this year, Clinton agreed to return some $50,000 in illegal donations from a Pakistani businessman after news broke that the FBI sought him for fraud. The donor, Abdul Rehman Jinnah, recently surrendered to U.S. authorities after fleeing the country. Clinton also has vowed to return $850,000 in dirty cash raised by outlaw Chinese donor Norman Hsu. During her 2000 Senate campaign, Clinton had to return a $50,000 check from another Muslim leader – Agha Saeed – after it was revealed he backed Palestinian suicide attacks on Israel. She had received a plaque from him at a $500-a-ticket fundraiser sponsored by his group, the American Muslim Alliance.Sphere: Related Content
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