Sunday, November 25, 2007

Multiculturalism Exposes the U.S. to Terrorism

Family Security Matters
The people of the United States, for all practical purposes, like to believe we are fair-minded. We believe that everyone should get a fair shot. Most of us believe that if you work hard you should get ahead. Many of us have even embraced the ever-advancing multiculturalism counter-culture, which is completely antithetical to the concept of E Pluribus Unum: “Out of many, one.” With regard to the latter, vindication has come to those of us who believe we are fair-minded while being opposed to the “Balkanization” the United States.

It would seem that in our nation’s quest to prove to the world that we are inclusive and tolerant we have, literally, allowed those who want to kill us into some of the most sensitive areas of our government, areas where they put our national security at risk.
We have a powerful foe in radical Islamofascists who want to destroy our country. They want to eliminate our constitutional Republic, replacing it with a government run under the totalitarian tenets of Sharia Law. And as they prey on the good will of the American people, extracting money under the guise of charity for the oppressed, they have mastered the American legal system and are effectively using it against us, even as they establish enclaves of radical ideology within the borders of the United States.

We have another foe in the American Fifth Column, a group of visionless lemmings adherent to the Marxist/Leninist dictums of Socialism, who promote political correctness and multiculturalism. This group champions a mythical one-world utopia over the principles of self-sufficiency, liberty and personal freedom. They promote a caretaker government that provides as many entitlements and services as can be established through the extraction of private income while empowering that same government as the arbiter of all societal parameters regardless of the liberties granted to us under the United States Constitution.

Lastly, we have an American citizenry, who, because institutionalized education has moved away from instilling critical thinking skills in deference to special interest indoctrination, doesn’t understand the ideology behind the principles that founded our nation. Couple this with the fact that our society has grown to be incredibly narcissistic, and you achieve a populace so apathetic and unaware of the critical events taking place directly in front of their faces – in real time – that their freedoms will have already been abolished before they are motivated to defend them.

In order to quell this perfect storm, in order to survive as the constitutional Republic, the democratic Republic that we are, we must understand the threats we face. We must discard the ideological shackles of the American Fifth Column and we must defend our freedoms, our liberties, and demand that our government live up to their constitutional obligation of guaranteeing the security of the inalienable rights set out in The Charters of Freedom.

This time, the enemies who slipped past the gate were caught. We were lucky. The next time we may not be. Who knows, maybe the operative who will cause the most damage is already in place. I guess we’ll know when the time comes. Then it will be too late.

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