Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ehud Goldwasser's mother attacks state on lack of effort to free her son

Ehud Goldwasser's mother attacks state on lack of effort to free her son | Jerusalem Post
Miki Goldwasser, mother of Israeli soldier Ehud (Udi) Goldwasser, whose abduction by Hizbullah along with Eldad Regev sparked the Second Lebanon War, sent a scathing letter Sunday to the state's president, prime minister, defense minister and Knesset chair. In it, she attacked what she perceived as a lack of government effort to bring about the release of her son.

Goldwasser asserted that leaders had "hurt the heart of the nation" and had "broken our uncompromising belief in the state's commitment to the citizens who serve it."

The abduction "is not only the problem of the families. It is a national problem and our politicians must understand that," she said.

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